About Us

Shalom Christian Media (SCM) is a ministry of Shalom Church Singapore (Reformed Baptist). It is non-profit in nature, established to promote Christian truths to magnify the Lord and to edify souls.


We therefore make every effort to hold forth the Truth of God as found in the Bible, without deviation and without compromise. By the enabling grace of God, and through biblically sound literature and audio recording, we hope:

  1. To see unbelieving men and women come to a saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Timothy 2: 3-6); unbelieving children, instructed in the way they should go (Proverbs 22: 6); the young in the faith, nurtured in the pure spiritual milk of the Word that they may grow (1 Peter 2: 2); the mature, abound all the more (Philippians 1: 9-10); pastors and teachers rightly handling the Word of Truth (2 Timothy 2:15); the doctrinal and practical error of our day, refuted (Romans 16: 17-18, Ephesians 5: 11); and the erring, shown the light, that they may walk in it (James 5: 19-20).
  2. To see defend, preserve and propagate the glorious Reformation truths that gave birth to Protestantism. The heritage that has been passed on to the churches through the writings of the Reformers, Puritans and others of the Reformed Faith shall be introduced as widely as possible to those who do not already know them. It is hoped that these treasures will be passed on in the years to come.

Book Range

We carry a wide spectrum of Christian literature ranging from Christian living, parenting, devotionals, Church history, science, to contemporary issues as well as commentaries, materials on doctrine and theology, Bible study resources, Puritan writings, Christian biographies, children’s books just to name a few. In addition to English, we also hold some works in Chinese. We have something for both the young and old.

Price Policy

Our resources are tagged at reasonable and affordable prices as SCM does not have profit in view. Furthermore, special groups e.g. pastors, full-time leaders and students are subsidized. Others who genuinely need but cannot afford our materials can upon request, be considered for subsidy.

Our Joy

It is our earnest prayer and great reward that folks are being helped by the reading of God’s truth! How encouraging it is to befriend our readers, and to engage in conversation that will see our readers helped spiritually. In all these, we see none other than the Hand of the Almighty at work, building up His church and preserving its purity. ‘To God, alone wise, be glory through Jesus Christ for ever. Amen.’

Buy the truth and do not sell it – Proverbs 23:23

“The heart of man must be guided and governed by the truth of God, for without truth there is no goodness in man. There cannot be regular practices of piety without right principles within the heart. It is by the power of truth, known and believed, that we must be kept back from sin and constrained to duty. The understanding must be well-informed with wisdom and instruction before we can rightly obey God.

Therefore we must buy truth. We must be willing to part with anything for it. The author of this proverb does not say at what price we must buy it, because we cannot pay too much for it, but must have it at any price, whatever it may cost us. We shall not regret of the bargain. When we are looking for the means to knowledge, and are resolved not to deprive ourselves of so good a cause, then we will buy the truth.

Riches should be employed for the attainment of knowledge, rather than knowledge for the getting of riches. After we have taken pains in searching after truth, have come to the knowledge of it, and can distinguish between it and error, then we will buy it. Heaven concedes every thing to the laborious.

We must choose to suffer loss in our temporal interest rather than to deny or neglect the truth. Truth is a pearl of great price. We must be willing to part with all things in order to purchase it. We should give up material riches, work, and promotion, rather than faith and a good conscience.”

Matthew Henry