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Helping students with same-sex attraction, guidance for parents and youth leaders

Cooper Pinson

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A student sits in your office and shares about his or her struggles with same-sex attraction. Or perhaps it’s your child asking you for help. What can you say or do that will bring the gospel into this struggle? Cooper Pinson begins by helping parents and youth leaders understand that this struggle is not so very different than their own struggles with sin and suffering that they encounter every day. Then he goes on to give specific, detailed, and practical direction on how to encourage students to go to God and others for hope and help. As you read, you will learn how much we all have in common and how the gospel of Jesus Christ transforms every area of life.

Publisher: New Growth Press
Type: Paperback
ISBN: 9781945270710


Cooper Pinson, MDiv, speaks to and helps create resources for those who work with students, including Alive: Gospel Sexuality for Students and Helping Students with Same-Sex Attraction. Having volunteered, interned, and been on staff in the world of youth ministry, he has a passion for helping students follow Jesus, particularly in the area of sexuality. Cooper and his wife, Katie, have two, beautiful daughters.


“New Growth Press minibooks are a solidly biblical and practical ministry tool enabling you to give biblical counsel in a readable format to people in a variety of settings and can extend your ability to biblically counsel in places and people you cannot go or reach otherwise. I really appreciate how in about thirty pages they confront the problem and give biblical solutions and practical strategies for change. Also, having them available in easy-to-see wall racks within easy reach of our traffic makes them very easy to utilize. I highly recommend these excellent resources in helping people find biblical answers to their life problems, enabling them to find and grow to be like Christ.” Daniel Hartwig, Pastor, Calvary Baptist Church, Dysart, IA